Girls in the Moon

Jenna Stempel on Designing the Cover for Girls in the Moon

"My initial inclinations were to take a bunch of stabs at music video imagery and gig posters. Those indie rock bands show off an impeccably curated lifestyle of leaning against graffitied buildings in their threadbare t-shirts and watching the sun set on roofs in Brooklyn. I tried to capture that same romanticized city life on the cover."

Jenna Stempel on Designing the Cover for Girls in the Moon

Author Janet McNally on Writing Girls in the Moon

"I don’t remember much of the early part of writing Girls In the Moon, because I started when the twins were ten months old and those months were all a blur. Maybe that was good for me! … I can’t remember much about where the ideas came from, but that’s what happens with many of my projects. I’m almost a believer in the Muse—some things just come to me, and they turn into something larger in a way that I can’t track later."

Author Janet McNally on Writing Girls in the Moon