Can't Wait To Read!

Thanks to Spine Contributing Writer Tracie Mooneyham for pulling together this week’s Can’t Wait To Read. Check out Mooneyham’s recent work for Spine here.
Sugar Brain Fix: The 28-Day Plan to Quit Craving the Foods That Are Shrinking Your Brain and Expanding Your Waistline by Mike Dow
Hay House Inc., January 14, 2020. I am the first person to admit that I have a love/hate relationship with food, but I am becoming more aware that sugar is literally eating away at my health. Have you looked at the labels for your favorite foods lately? There is more research than ever on how diet affects every aspect of our well-being, so not to sound cliché, but one of my first steps in the new year will be to take a look at how to reduce the effects of sugar on my favorite body part — my brain!
Franklin & Washington: The Founding Partnership by Edward J. Larson
William Morrow, February 11, 2020. I’m excited for this book as a history geek and as a peacebuilder. I want to better understand the partnership of these remarkable, yet totally different, men and how they worked together to help form our country. In an increasingly polarized society, I’m optimistic that this book will give more evidence that having a different opinion does not equate to the division of a nation.
Master of One: Find and Focus on the Work You Were Created to Do by Jordan Raynor
WaterBrook, January 21, 2020. The title drew me in - and why wouldn’t it? In a post-feminist world that has led women to believe that we can, and should, do anything, I fear the burn-out that looms at the bottom of every cup of coffee. Trying to do too much has been a lifelong battle, so one of my goals for 2020 is to focus on a few things and be very successful, instead of having a million mediocre things on my plate.
Consider This: Moments in My Writing Life after Which Everything Was Different by Chuck Palahniuk
Grand Central Publishing, January 7, 2020. Consider This is positioned as a “love letter to stories and storytellers, booksellers and books themselves,” and I couldn’t be more excited. As someone who has always written as a side-hustle and bonded with complete strangers over book choices, I’m looking forward to falling in love with writing all over again. Here’s to making 2020 the year of powerful writing, crafted to resonate and inspire.
Tracie Mooneyham works as Program and Grants Manager for the Robins Foundation, a private foundation working to strengthen the community of Richmond, Virginia. She also serves as Content Editor for Initiatives of Change International, working with a network of teams and individuals whose goal is to build trust through honest dialogue.