Spine Podcast, Bonus Episode: Author Kris Waldherr

Photo: Robert Presutti
With this episode we’re starting something new. Occasionally we’ll be offering you a bonus episode in which host Hiba Tahir has a conversation with an author about their upcoming book, their writing process, or anything else under the sun they’d like to discuss.
In this episode Hiba talks to Kris Waldherr, author of THE LOST HISTORY OF DREAMS, releasing April 9th by Atria Books. Waldherr details a bit about her process for writing the novel, how she came to be a novelist, and a few other related topics. For more information on Kris Waldherr's new release, visit www.kriswaldherrbooks.com
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Music: Sweet Berry Wine, Blue Wednesday.
Design: Jarrod Taylor
Related: Learn about designer Jarrod Taylor’s process for creating the cover of The Lost History of Dreams.
Hiba Tahir is a YA author, a freelance journalist, and an MFA candidate in poetry at the University of Arkansas.