ABCD Awards 2024!

Last night (Thursday 7th March) saw the convergence of Britain’s best and brightest book cover designers at Gigi’s in Hoxton for the 11th Annual Academy of British Cover Design awards.
It was the first time being held in the bar upstairs and I think we were all grateful for the increase in space and the improved ventilation :)
Regular compere Jack Smyth was sadly unable to attend but the wonderful Nico Taylor did a brilliant job of hosting (and enforcing the house rule of ‘shut the f**k up’).
Compere Nico Taylor
And without further ado, here are the winners!
Young Adult: JAMES NUNN for Never Tell Anyone Your Name
SCI-FI / Fantasy: HEIKE SCHUSSLER for Seaweed Rising
Non-Fiction: JON GRAY for The Cat Prince
Look at the joy on his face!
Series Design: It was a tie! JONATHAN PELHAM for Adam Mars Jones and JACK SMYTH for Calvino
Classics / Reissue: ROBBIE PORTER for Termush
Children’s 0-5: ELLE BOULTWOOD for Holey Moley
Children’s 6-12: JENNIFER N. R. SMITH and KATE HAYNES for Glow
Literary Fiction: JAMIE KEENAN for The Dimensions of a Cave
Crime/Thriller: ALEX ROBBINS for Dead Eleven
Mass Market: LAUREN WAKEFIELD for Oh, Sister
Looking forward to next year!
Editor, artworker and lifelong bibliophile.